Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thing # 6-Picture taken in a library

Can anyone help to comment on the ways to improve on the photo taking technique of the image as shown. I am using F 7.1, ISO100 and Aperture 1/4 without flash.


Murray said...

Now, here's a challenge.

Can you pull a photo from your Flickr account into your blog?

Murray said...

Looking forward to your "blog post on some technology of interest".

Cheriboy123 said...

I think it is possible.
Will try later

Unknown said...


Nice depth of field!

However, you may want to try the following:
1. Choose a book that has some interesting/eye-catching title as the first book;

2. The rack on the wall at the end of the shelf is distracting (upper right hand corner of photo) - you may want to choose a blank wall if your theme is on the book;

3. Photo is a bit yellowish - balance with some blue in photoshop.

Just a few personal opinion :)


Cheriboy123 said...

Thanks JY for the comment on this photo. Personally, I am not too happy with the depth of focus. Reducing the aperture will increase the depth of focus but this will reduce the lighting and using a flash will have to be an option.

Increasing the ISO may help but my $200 digi cam can only achieve maximum ISO 200

Anonymous said...

Hey dr. chai!

i have some tips. Since you're using a cheaper camera, you might not want to dive too deep into technicalities first.

I recommend looking more into composition and framing, they may seem like very simple concepts, but they can make or break your shot.

1st, go check out the 'rule of third' online. then work on coming up with your own creative framing, don't just take shots from eye level, it gets boring. Choose interesting subjects too!

once you get a good grip on composition, even shots taken with a crappy handphone camera can look awesome.